Family Conflict...
Below are our articles on the subject of Family Conflict. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Appropriate Employment of Family Members to Suit Ability
How can you structure your business and work with your employees to ensure that everybody is working in a position appropriate to their level of ability? Advice on how…...
Conflicts of Interest: How Family and Business Needs can Clash
What you can do to prevent the development of conflicts of interest between your family and your business, and how you can work around them when they do happen....
Dealing with Conflict: Avoiding Domestic and Business Overlap
Advice on how to keep family and domestic spheres separate when it comes to conflict. Don't let family arguments interfere with your work and don't let work related…...
How to Spot and Avoid Conflict in a Family Business
Family run businesses make up the largest number of firms in the UK, according to a report published by the Institute for Family Business. A family business can…...
When Individual Personal Problems Interfere with Work
A guide to dealing with the different types of personal problems that commonly arise within small businesses and that can be a particular problem in family businesses....