Outside Staff...
Below are our articles on the subject of Outside Staff. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Bringing Consultants Into Your Family Business
A guide to bringing in consultants to deal with specific problem areas within your business or to improve its overall function. Why existing employees shouldn't feel…...
Hiring and Firing Within a Family Business
How to hire and fire a family member in your business...
Motivating Outside Employees in a Family Business
Advice on how to overcome the motivational hurdles frequently faced by outside employees in family businesses, and how to inspire them to work hard....
Resolving Conflicts between Family and Outside Employees
Advice on managing conflicts between staff who are family members and those who are not, so that you are perceived as fair and you can avoid disruptions to the business....
Taking on Outside Staff in Your Family Business
When should you take on outside staff in your family business, how can you make sure they fit in, how can you address family members' concerns and how can you preserve…...
The Pro's and Con's of Hiring an Outside Manager
Why might you consider bringing in an outside manager to look after your family business, what could the benefits be, and what are the possible downsides that you…...
Using the Firm-Specific Knowledge of New Business Members
A guide to bringing family members into your business for the first time so that the knowledge and awareness they've already built up about the business and its…...